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            2010 Autumn Semester Opening Ceremony

            時間:2010-09-14 16:09:38  來源:  作者:

            Fuzhou Vocational Middle School of Commerce (Fuzhou No.22 Middle School) Opening Ceremony
                On the
            morning of September 1, 2010, the new semester opening ceremony was held. After two months’ summer vacation, the school playground came to its life again. One thousand students neatly lined up, full of energy.

            First of all, headmistress Qiu Yan made a new semester address on behalf of the school. She encouraged the students to take active attitudes towards study in the new year, requiring all students to enhance self-cultivation to become civilized, disciplined and fully developed. After that, the Security Commissioner, Mr. Cui Ningwen emphasized the safety precautions in schools, telling students to increase the safety awareness to create a healthy and safe environment.

            The grand opening ceremony inspired and encouraged the

            staff of the school and students, helping them to take positive attitudes towards the new semester  and  fully enjoy themselves.





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