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            Clothing Practical Training Room Inaugurated

            時(shí)間:2010-02-10 10:26:18  來源:  作者:

            The New Clothing Practical Training Room has been Inaugurated

            With the efforts of the school staff and Kelaimei Beautiful Image Design Co. LTD, all of the preparation work of the new clothing practical training room has been inaugurated. It has been made open to the public on November 2nd, 2009. From then on, the students majored in clothing could have their practice teaching lessons here. The students could get fun by practicing and they could combine theory with practice really. The formally opening of the Practice Training Room must take a qualitative leap of the teaching of our school’s clothing.







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            Copyright © 2020-2025 福州商貿(mào)職業(yè)中專學(xué)校 版權(quán)所有
            地址:福州市倉山區(qū)城門鎮(zhèn)浚邊村路邊76號(hào) | 郵編:350000 | 備案號(hào):閩ICP備15026507號(hào) | 閩公網(wǎng)安備 35010202001316號(hào) | 維護(hù):信息辦
            一国产一无码一日韩,中文字幕在线制服丝袜,亚洲 欧美 丝袜 中文 综合,无套中出丰满人妻无码 激情综合激情五月俺也去精品 欧美一级婬片人妻欧美大

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