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            School of Design in Yokohama from Japan come to visit

            時(shí)間:2010-01-23 06:27:20  來源:  作者:


            On November 12th , 2009 , Thursday morning, council chairman  Junyi Chitian of Shichuan Academy, School of Design in Yokohama, who was from School Corporation of Yokohama in Japan and his entourage secretary Cui Lihua of Affairs Bureau came to visit our school, negotiating and signing a framework agreement on cooperation in running schools.

            School of Design in Yokohama, Shichuan Academy of School Corporation, which has been 61 years since it was built in 1948. The school is known for the design professional, which has fashion design, graphic design, animation design, a series of design classes fist professionals, which can be docked with beauty salon ,the image of the design, clothing, animation and other professionals of our school, and they also can be mutual recognition of credits. Two schools reached the consensus of professional cooperation and joint admission to two schools, "2 +1" form of the same school, reached teacher-student interaction and exchanging students of two schools by the joint school agreement and it’s reflected in the framework of the sister school agreement.

                Negotiations, visiting is accessed in a friendly, harmonious atmosphere.


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